Friday, September 2, 2011


Sup sup sup!

I've been super busy, but I just wanted to give y'all a quick note on what I've been doing. I've been quietly stalking our blog, but I've been busy enough that I hadn't found time yet to contribute until now. What's been keeping me busy? As of August 24 law school has kicked in, which surely has sucked all my time and (more importantly) psychic energy up.

So at the moment I'm stilling getting used to this whole business. There's a hella steep learning curve, not so much for the literal work we're doing but more for the ways that work interacts with the classroom. The entire business of school changes dramatically when it is not conceived of as primarily academic, but rather pre-professional. People care a lot about perfection and presentation -- being on top of your game is key. On top of that, it's been a wild environment where more students than not are coming out of the Ivies, and many seem naturally at home in this (lawyerly, professional, New York) setting.

That being said, I can already sense that school is really going to be a blast. For one, there are people with amazing backgrounds here. A handful of students in my lawyering class (kind of like home room, the 30 people I know best) have founded non-profits. So one side of this is intimidating, like Haverford also was at first. On the other hand, because everyone is older now, people have perspective and well matured identities that are connected to these achievements. Even people who aren't sure what they wanted to do, like another guy (Yale grad) who wasn't sure whether to write screenplays or go to law, have enough life experience to get a little closer to the hows and whys of what we're up to, even in that confusion.

So, I'll be sure to keep you folks updated on what classes are like as we go on. Right now I'm cautiously optimistic. They are incredibly boring in subject matter, to a large degree. Criminal law, of course, promises to have some pizzazz. Civil Procedure, on the other hand, which is basically a course on the byzantine arcana of suing and being sued, has less of a "wow" factor. Same goes for "contracts." Lawyering is cool enough. In that class we've been doing hypotheticals and active role-playing every class, which pretty much rocks. I got to argue for why evidence should be suppressed following an illegal search and seizure, for example, which rules.

Phew! I'd better get back to work for now. I some writing to do before a social at 5:00. I'll have to wait to catch up with each of you in greater detail.

Long live the strollick!


My Civil Procedures professor, here, Arthur Miller. He's a bear.

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