Sunday, October 16, 2011

Just an update

I keep checking up on this blog and wishing it was more active, so I'm going to flip the system and post something. As Arcatans would say, "visualize the world you want to live in." Yes, people really talk that way.

Also, the government here is so left, the democrats can't break in because they are too gosh darn conservative and corporate. The sewage is treated by marsh. Marijuana is as good as legal. And so, I think the fact that there is an 'Occupy Humbolt' movement going on here is very funny.

So, my life is going really well. I have a part time job, I done with the GRE, and I finally successfully tapped into the social scene out here. In brief? 'Party with the circus' is just as good as it sounds. It is something like:


= fun!

(The fire ones are not the actual humboldt circus, but if they were they would be very drunk while they played with that fire.)

We are also baking/cooking up a storm, from egg drop soup, to meatloaf, to burgers, to mochi, to spinach smoothies, to gluten free muffins. The produce is a dream.
Anyway, that's about all I can think of to say about life. I miss you guys lots.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Hello from Princeton!

Hi Strollickers,

I'm afraid there are a lot of updates on my life, so this post is going to be kind of a mess.

First of all, I moved to Princeton, New Jersey last week to start a new job. I am a computer programmer now. So far the job is pretty nice - I like the place I work and the people I work with. I've been thinking of going to grad school, but that won't be for a while, so Princeton will be my home for the next long while.

I don't know many people here yet. I'm hoping to become friends with people at work soon, which would be nice. I also go to Meeting, and I have ideas for other activities to do, but I still need to figure out what activities are in the area. I don't even have internet access in my apartment yet - I'm posting this from Starbucks.

You might have seen this on Facebook, but I also started dating someone named Katherine Roddy. I met her over the summer; she's a grad student in mathematics at UNC-Chapel Hill. That's pretty exciting; I think it's going well so far. So I'll be spending a lot of time visiting North Carolina in the next few months.

I think the most important point is, I am now within a couple hours of Haverford and New York City - to all of you who live around there, we should hang out! To everyone else - please visit soon anyway!
