The summary is largely "pretty sweet." The big news regards a couple of conversations I had a few weeks back. I was hired into QA for a recent acquisition of IBM's called Sterling Commerce, which is something probably most of you knew. We do supply chain software. I was hired with the understanding that I could eventually switch to development if I wanted to. Later, we (the four new hires, all picked up around the same time) were told that there were three positions in Dev, and we could apply for them around the new year. About three or four weeks ago my manager pulled each of the four new hires aside and told us that, actually, there were three dev positions and one QA position - so three of us were going. Later that week, I was told I was going to be in Dev.
So now I'm in Dev. Still doing training, then I'm going to be fixing defects for a few weeks, then I might actually get to do stuff like code features. I'm a little terrified at present, but I'm slowly getting the hang of things, and hopefully will have a chance to work some stuff out and get better enough to be confident.
Apart from that I've not been doing too much. I've been feeling not terrible about letting video games occupy most of my free time. I've got over an hour of commute every day (usually closer to an hour and a half), and I've been trying to listen to audiobooks with it; I got through all of the Lord of the Rings and the Old Man and the Sea, got through about half of Slaughterhouse Five and The Naked and the Dead (both had defects that made them impossible to finish) and I'm now going through American Gods at full tilt. It's really quite satisfying.
I think a new year's resolution will probably be to do more art. I made a shot at NaNoWriMo this year but fell short, and I'm having trouble summoning the energy to attempt something new - which may mean it's time for more revisions on older stuff. I've also been doing a bit of Aikido - once or twice a week - which is really fun. It's a little bit of a bummer not feeling like I have a social group in either Aikido or work, though; I love the Andrews, and we're making a few friends around here, but I don't really see many people other than roommates I like, which is a little sad. Still working on it, though.
So yeah! Juliaty is coming to visit at the end of the week for winter break, and we'll be taking a trek out to Indiana to have Christmas with my extended family. I think it'll be pretty awesome. We haven't made a lot of plans other than that yet but let us know if you feel like visiting at some point and saying hi!
How's everybody else doing?
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