Sunday, September 25, 2011

Hey Friends

Wanted to catch you all up with how things have been in D.C. I'm sorry I haven't been in better touch--for some reason it took 3 weeks (!) to get internet in the house.

I've moved into my new house in Mount Rainier, Maryland (sounds like ray-near). It's a great little place. The rent is obscenely cheap and it's a great set-up. It's a really nice four bedroom three bath with a front and a back yard, a living room with a fireplace, and a porch.

My Living Room

I'm living with three other guys who all went to Guilford, and it's been great getting to know them. Will is a Friend who works with me at FCNL. He also volunteers at a local bike co-op and plays in a really great band, Ugly Purple Sweaters (they're really good). My other two housemates are Will and David one of whom is an editor and the other of whom is a lumberjack/rugby player. They're all musicians, and there are no less than four copies of rise up singing in the house.

Work is great. I talked a little bit about what I did in my earlier post. Being in DC is a rush of information, talking points, and committee hearing. It's exhilarating, challenging, and exhausting all at the same time.

Anyway, please feel free to get in touch with me. A blog is great, but nothing replaces seeing someone's face or hearing their voice. I'm on skype (patrick.lozada) and g-chat etc. I'll let y'all know if I'm up in the PA/MA/NY area.

With care.

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